Christopher Johnston
Christopher Johnston

After almost a decade in SEO I decided I wanted to be a software developer and attended a coding bootcamp from 2019-2020. I ended that experience in March of 2020, the worst possible time, maybe ever, to be looking for a job.

Gaining your first developer job is hard, doing it while a global pandemic is underway and everyone in the world seems to be laying people off, seemed impossible.

While unemployed and reevaluating my life choices up until that point, I decided to re-explore old interests. I've always wanted to be a hacker, so I looked into cybersecurity.

I can not give enough thanks to David Bombal, Network Chuck, and Black Hills Information Security. Their respective YouTube channels were invaluable in getting me started on this path.

Medium member since June 2023
Connect with Christopher Johnston
Christopher Johnston

Christopher Johnston

SEO pro turned coder, blending tech with marketing. πŸ”πŸ–₯️ Passion for programming, firearms, and the written word. πŸ“šπŸ”« #SoftwareDeveloper